Common Core Nuts: English Language Learners

profile of boy talking

What practise the Common Core State Standards hateful for English language learners (ELLs)? These resources offering a user-friendly overview of what ELL educators need to know, also as updates from the field.

Featured Manufactures

  • An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards
  • Standards That Impact English language Linguistic communication Learners
  • Teacher Reflections: Getting to Know the Mutual Cadre
  • Common Core and ELLs: Primal Shifts in Language Arts and Literacy (Part Ii)

Blog Posts

  • Takeaways From the AFT Roundtable on the CCSS and ELLs
  • NCELA Webinar: Common Core State Standards and English Learners
  • TESOL International Association Consequence Cursory on the CCSS for ELLs

Related Video

Research and Reports

  • What Does Text Complexity Hateful for English language Learners and Language Minority Students?

Application of Common Core State Standards for ELLs

This brief document from the authors of the Mutual Core State Standards offers full general suggestions for implementing the standards with ELLs. A similar document is bachelor for students with disabilities.

Californians Together: Advancement Toolkit

This Advancement Toolkit offers prepared talking points for use by educators, policy makers, parents and customs members in dialogues at the local, commune and state levels — raising concerns, pushing for the supports needed to realize the Common Core for English learners, and advancing the vision of English Learner instruction that the Common Core can make possible.

More data well-nigh the toolkit is available from Lesli Maxwell's Learning the Language blog mail service about the projection.